We all know by now that sitting for long periods of time is not good for our bodies or our minds!
Doing so is unfortunately often the norm in the workplace and in academic environments. These on the go workouts which are perfect for doing on work breaks or anytime you feel like you need to get your blood flowing!
Here are a few workouts you can do at your desk, in the grocery store, at the gym… wherever!!!

1) Arm Pulses
- Do y’all remember doing arm circles in elementary school gym class? I always thought they were really fun (primarily because I didn’t think they were a workout lol). The exercise is supposed to tone up the arms and the lats, but there is a more effective and efficient no-equipment move to do so. Arm pulses basically entail keeping your arms extended outward and in line with your shoulders. From here, there are four variations of arm pulses: palms facing upwards, palms facing downwards, palms facing forward, and palms facing backwards.
- Do 1 Minute of each variation— I promise you’ll feel the burn!
2) Grocery Squats
- If you’re like me, and come back from Trader Joe’s with 10 more items than originally on your list, your groceries probably tend to get pretty heavy. A great way to get in a toning workout is to carry groceries into your house by doing squats! The added weight of the grocery bags is killer!
3) Calf Raises
- These are pretty much self explanatory, but they are great at toning your lower body: calves and hamstrings!
- You can truly do these anywhere– standing in line at a store, cooking, or putting on makeup!
4) Posture
- Posture is often overlooked, but constantly engaging your core and sitting up straight really can do wonders for your midsection!
- Try to always be mindful of your posture!
5) Wall Sits
- These are perfect to do when you are brushing your teeth every morning and night.
- Wall sits are incredibly effective in building quad strength.
6) Toe Taps
- I’m not sure of the actual term for this exercise… but I call it toe taps because it basically involves standing up tall and putting your weight into the balls of your feet. From there, you wanna try to lift your toes up from the floor. This will strengthen your shins, perfect for runners!
7) Surface Push- Ups
- Just extend your legs far behind your body so that you mimic push up form, but off a wall! Do any variation of push-ups you like: triceps, star pushups, army pushups, etc.
- I always do this on wall in my bathroom while I’m waiting for the shower to warm up!
8) Chair Squats
- I always do this one when I’m studying from long bouts of time! The security of a chair that you will just hover above when squatting really helps solidify squat form while toning the legs and boootay!
9) 5 Minute Abs
- This one is a little bit of a sneaky one :). Although not completely feasible to do on-the-go, it just takes five minutes a day to accomplish this workout that can make a big difference in your stomach muscle definition!
- There are many 5 minute ab workouts on YouTube… pick a few to rotate through every night right before you sleep!
Check out my other Quick and Efficient Workouts:
Didn’t I tell ya!? These on the go toning exercises can be done anywhere, anytime. What are you going to try out first?