How to Stay Healthy in College

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Balancing fitness, school, friends, sleep, health, and extracurriculars isn’t easy for any college student.


At an age where we feel infallible and eternally healthy, it’s simple to neglect exercising and eating healthy in favor of stuffing our face with free pizza or being sedentary for hours while trying to absorb your calculus textbook. 


Here are some tricks and tips to show you how to stay healthy in college!


How to Stay Healthy in College


1) Have a Morning Routine!

Yes, I understand you’re not a morning person! That’s OK! Whether morning looks like 4 A.M. or 11 A.M. to you, it is really helpful to start your day on the right foot. We are all designed to be creatures of habit.



A structured morning routine is simply a combination of habits that get you ready for whatever the day brings.



Related–> 5 Morning Habits that Increase Your Daily Productivity

2) Meal Prep

If you don’t think you have time to meal prep, you’re not taking into account the daily time required to cook/find food.



Meal prepping is simply the most efficient way to eat healthy throughout the week without breaking the bank.



Cooking large amounts of food on Sundays and then portioning them out for the week is the most popular way of prepping.



If you have roommates/suitemates that have the same dietary needs/tastes as you, you can create a shared meal prep system that splits up who does the batch cooking each week.



Related–> Vegan Grocery Staples

3) Get a Workout Buddy!

One of the best ways to keep yourself accountable to a fitness routine is to recruit a fitness buddy!



There are so many college students just like you who want to prioritize health and fitness, but find it difficult to do so amidst a busy schedule.



Having a workout buddy to accompany you to the gym when it’s the last place you wanna go is helpful not only for your health, but also for your social life!


4) Take Workout Classes

Reaching out to a new person as a workout buddy can be intimidating. If you don’t feel up to that just yet, hold yourself accountable by going to workout classes at your school’s gym!



Most of the time, the school offers fitness classes as part of your gym membership. They’re not only a great way to keep yourself accountable for exercising, but also to meet friends who are similarly dedicated to taking care of their bodies.

5) Utilize the Mini-Fridge

People really underestimate the potential of a mini-fridge. Frozen fruits and veggies are always in my freezer for a convenient and quick snack or additions to smoothies.



If you struggle to get your veggies in, a blender and some packets of frozen veggies/fruits is a huge helping hand.


my spring break definitely consisted of quite a bit of @nadamoo and other yummy treats 🍪🍫🍩🍬, but I’m ready to reset and go back to my normal eating… consisting of lotsa greens, beans, potatoes, tomatoes (who remembers that vine!?!?), fruits, and superfooooods! – – – this morning smoothieee had: 🌞wild blueberries 🌞frozen spinach 🌞frozen zucchini 🌞@noudderprotein protein powder 🌞@thenutribullet cleansing greens & was verryyy yum 😋 – – – are you guys done w spring break, or just getting started!? 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 – – – – – #fitvegan #fitlifestyle #detoxsmoothie #detox #smoothietime #morningmotivation #bodycleanse #veganfit #vegainz #noudderprotein #plantpowered #houstonfitness #houstonblogger #veganblogger #veganfitness #collegeblogger #collegevegan #onthego #veganmealprep #whatveganseat #whatsinmycup #blogwithheart #nourishingfood #nourishnotpunish #dailygreens

A post shared by Zahra Biabani~ Soulful Seeds (@soulfulseedblog) on

Check out these college-friendly ways to incorporate more veggies into your diet. Alongside the meal prepped foods I cook weekly, (which I store in the fridge), I like to batch cook soups/bean dishes and store it in the freezer for emergency meals.



Related—> Easy Ways to Add Veggies to Your Meals


6) Bulk Buy

Whenever you do get to hitch a ride to the grocery store, get enough to last you a while! Although I’m sure your friends are more than willing to drive you to the store, no one wants to be the annoying friend who asks to be shuttled around all the time.



If you have a dining plan, try not to buy a ton of fresh produce from the store. There’s ALWAYS a fresh salad bar in dining halls, providing students with a good amount of fruits and vegetables to nourish with.



Instead, spend on snacks that you can easily take around with you to class. Buy these in bulk so that you save money and time!



Some of my favorites are:


  1. Lenny and Larry’s Cookies (USE CODE- BA101495 and get 15% OFF!) (Vegan + High Protein)

2. Lara Bars (Vegan+GF)

  • PB + Chocolate Lara Bar               
  • Coconut Chocolate Chip Lara Bar

3. Nugo Slim Vegan Protein Bars

  • Variety Pack- All Flavors Included 

7) Preparation is KEY

There are so many days where I have to stay on campus for much longer than anticipated. On these occasions, my tummy HATES me… So  actually carrying a few snacks in my backpack is a savior!


You never know when you might really need some extra fuel!

8) Detox Drinks

Let’s face it– the Sunday after a weekend of partying can hit you in the face like a truck. As your schoolwork piles up and your head begins to throb, it’s helpful to take a step back to detox the body and the mind.


Check out these Detoxifying Drinks that are easily made in a dorm room and will help you recover after a weekend of going out.


I hope you guys enjoyed this 🙂 and that you employ these useful habits that will help you stay healthy in college. 

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