Kids in Need of Defense Fundraiser

Purchase these shirts– 100% of profits will go to a 501(c)3

certified charity called Kids in Need of Defense!


Like most people, I was struck by the egregious circumstances caused by the zero tolerance policy. As a Texan, (wow it’s weird to call myself that), I felt even more helpless to act because so many of these detention centers are right in my backyard.


Times like these just affirm my fervent desire to practice law, but until I get that degree (6 more years eep), I can’t help with the pro bono legal work that is much needed.



If you too are feeling restless about this situation and want to help, ADVOCACY is the way to go! Support the organizations who are doing the field work to reunify families! Support organizations lobbying for immigration reform! Call your representatives and tell them what you, as their constituent, want them to vote for!



I had launched these shirts and this design a little more than a week ago with the intention of using the profits to sustain my blog…. but now the campaign is relaunching and the profits are going to a cause FAR more important!





The message behind the shirts means a lot to me. I actually came up with the phrase while thinking about the purpose of my blog. The phrase “deeply rooted and ever blooming” represents my belief that we all have God-given abilities that when nourished, propel us to grow into people that make a positive impact on the world.


When you are deeply rooted in God’s Love, your morals, and your faith, you will bloom without ceasing!


Related–> About Soulful Seeds


As with most causes, there are TONS of amazing organizations working to help these families and individuals. Kids in Need of Defense, otherwise known as KIND, is one of these NPOs!


KIND works to “Ensure that no child appears in immigration court without high quality legal representation; Advance laws, policies, and practices that ensure children’s protection and uphold their right to due process and fundamental fairness; and Promote in countries of origin, transit, and destination durable solutions to child migration that are grounded in the best interests of the child and ensure that no child is forced to involuntarily migrate”.


They have helped over 16,000 children through pro bono legal representation, advocacy, and social services.


Help support KIND by purchasing shirts from this campaign!


Wanna know more about the immigration crisis? I’d love to write about it- my background is actually in policy and news writing! Let me know if you would want to see that in the comments below!


Please leave some more ideas of places to donate to in the comments!

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