Monday Motivation

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Monday is the day that fills most people with dread. After a weekend of relaxing and doing what you please, Monday can certainly be a shock to the system.

Is it possible to change our attitudes about Mondays? It’s absolutely worth a try. Get your week off to a great start with some Monday motivation using the tips below.

monday motivation for a productive day and productive week. #morningmotivation #mondaymorning

Image: Kaboom Pics

Wake up early

Start the week off right by getting up early. The thought of Monday can be enough to make you hide under the covers, but you never know what you could achieve by getting up an hour earlier. Take the time to make yourself a good breakfast, enjoy getting ready at a leisurely pace and simply enjoy some peace and quiet before your day starts. There are actually several benefits to waking up early, so start on a Monday and continue the habit through the week.

Fill your Monday with positive thoughts

Mondays can get your week off to a negative start. This can set the course of the week on a bad path, opening yourself up to further negative thoughts. Instead of succumbing to the typical Monday moaning trend, use prompts to encourage positive thoughts instead. With a bit of preparation, you can completely change your attitude about Mondays and bring more positivity into your life, as well as those around you.

Focus on self-improvement

While you can start a new healthy living regime any day of the week, a fresh start on a Monday seems like a good way to go. Use your Monday to start encouraging some healthy habits into your routine to help you improve your wellbeing. Eating healthily and exercising is a good way to start, while distance healing sessions can also help to overcome some of the problems you might be facing. A successful day of self-improvement will set you up for the rest of the week as you focus on improving your lifestyle and developing better habits.

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Relax and take time for yourself

While you’re already on your way to making Mondays better, Mondays can still take their toll – especially if you’ve had a busy weekend. Use your Monday evening to relax and take some time for yourself. A hot bath with a good book is one way to help you unwind after a busy day, or you can relax in front of your favorite TV show. Try to go to bed early so that you help to recover some energy after your long day, ready to make the next one even better.


Mindful Mondays might seem like they’re too good to be true, but with a few simple changes, you could be surprised at what you can achieve. Decide on ways you can improve your Mondays using typical mindfulness techniques as well as some positive lifestyle changes. Who knows, after several weeks of mindful Mondays, you might even start looking forward to the beginning of the week? Give mindful Mondays a try and bring positivity and light into your life.

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