We all know the feeling- the downward spiral of negativity that is often started with a rogue thought or emotional response to someone else’s words.
Whenever you’re feeling attacked and overwhelmed by negativity, take a look at these prompts and challenge yourself. Learning to recognize the invalidity of negative thoughts is vital to affirm positive thoughts.

Affirm Positive Thoughts
What exact feeling/situation inspired these thoughts?
Write down three words that describe how you feel right now- then write down the antonyms of each of those words and think about times you’ve felt THOSE feelings.
Ask yourself what outside influences played into your emotions when you’ve felt the (above) positive feelings, and what outside influences are involved in how you currently feel.
Now think about three ways you can disconnect yourself from the influencers that are playing into your current emotions! Are you worried that OTHERS think these negative thoughts about you, or do you YOURSELF feel them?
- Ignore these outside influencers and ask yourself a question without emotions attached- Is there any EVIDENCE to back up these negative thoughts/feelings? Write these down (if any).
- Think about the ways you can refute this evidence- or think about how a friend would refute this”evidence” that is backing your negative thoughts!
Write down how you might respond to a friend who expresses they are facing the same thoughts as you are…..Now repeat what you wrote to yourself! It doesn’t have to be out loud, even thinking it makes a difference.
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Bring it full circle by bringing yourself back to the situation, present with outside influences (negative or positive) AND yourself. Remind yourself to be YOUR OWN friend and to constantly challenge your negativity with critical reasoning.
These prompts are super helpful, but it’s not so easy to just whip out your journal to address them whenever you’re feeling down. Oftentimes, I am more prone to get “down” when I’m surrounded by a large amount of people!
So that begs the question…. what should I do when I can’t write these down? It’s simple- Anchor your inner dialogue around these prompts!!!