college freshman advice and bucket list- read to see the must do activities in your freshman year! #freshmanyear #collegeadvice #collegefreshman

College Freshman Bucket List

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With the start of a new school year creeping up on us, I wanted to throw a super fun college freshman bucket list into my Back to School series. All the activities listed are ones that I wish I had done or I loved doing during my freshman year of college.


[bctt tweet=”Check out these activities to put on your Freshman Year bucket list!!! Hang em’ up behind your door and check them off as you complete them! ” username=”soulfulseedblog”]


Check out this College Freshman Bucket List and try some of these out- you won’t regret it!

things to do freshman year advice- check out these activities for your freshman year experience! freshman year bucket list printable for your college dorm room. #freshmanyearadvice


College Freshman Bucket List

  1. Go to a school sports game.
  2. Dress up to class for a day.
  3. Tag along with a friend driving home for the weekend.
  4. Actually check out a book from the library- there’s so many gems hiding among those academic research papers!
  5. Take a city tour bus to explore your city like a tourist!
  6. Go to at least one of your school’s involvement fairs.
  7. Have a contest with your friends on who can cop the most free t shirts from clubs and these involvement fairs lol
  8. Go to a Yoga/Meditation event or class regularly to control your stress.
  9. Try to last a whole day using free foods from clubs, events, etc as your meals.
  10. Spend under $200 on your textbooks lol
  11. Go a year without losing something major!
  12. Explore every part of campus.. you never know what gems you will stumble upon!
  13. Connect with a few people from your school that live around or by your hometown.
  14. Go to a production put on by your school’s theatre/dance/art/music department.
  15. Attend a speaker event held by campus… there are some really cool people that come to give those!
  16. Use every gym on your campus (if you have more than one).
  17. Do at least one volunteer activity in the community.
  18. Form study buddy groups at the beginning of the semester.
  19. Put your pictures taken from each semester in an organized folder and possibly turn it into a digital scrapbook.
  20. Find and connect with a mentor who can provide you with life and career advice throughout your college experience.


What is something you wish you had done your freshman year? I would love to hear your freshman year advice or what you’re most excited for in freshman year!

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