College Transfer Journey

After a year of waiting, wondering, and worrying, I am so glad that I have now found a school I love and that I am so ready to embrace.



For any of you who don’t feel right at your current school, you can change that. There are more options out there than we can wrap our heads around. I hope this piece inspires you to go out and take the steps needed to put yourself in an environment in which you will thrive.

college transfer advice and application process- why I transferred colleges and how I got into the school of my dreams. #collegeadvice


My College Transfer Story



I started my freshman year of college at a large (50,000 student plus) tier one public university in my state. And despite my reservations and doubts about likingĀ  a big school, I chose to go because it was the easy choice.



Everyone who got in was going there, and everyone who didn’t wished they were. I went with the flow without really questioning my own opinion and potential fit with the school.



After a terrible school year marked by depression, I realized I had made the wrong choice by not choosing myself.


Choosing What’s Right for You


If you are unhappy with your current college and believe that there is a school that better fits you, it is important to identify what exactly your current school lacksĀ  and why that effects your academic fulfillment.



The faults I identified with my previous school were: gigantic classes, lack of emphasis on interdisciplinary studies, and a lack of funding for liberal arts school. I felt that the magnitude of these problems were significant enough that I wanted to look at other schools.



My Unconventional Journey


I unexpectedly had to take a year off after my freshman year of college due to health reasons. During the first half of the year, I felt an immense amount of worry and anxiety about my lack of a future college- I knew I didn’t want to go back to my previous school, but had no idea where to go from there.



After researching what schools offered what I wanted, I selected a few to apply to and put all my energy into perfecting the applications.



Related-> Top 10 College Essay Tips



Then the waiting process began. Transfer acceptance rates for most schools are significantly lower than freshman admission rates (due to high levels of retention), and knowledge of this fact made the waiting process even harder.



But I had no choice other than to give it all to God and just wait. In the time I had taken off school, I had come to the conclusion that I truly have to let go and let God- otherwise my anxiety would overtake me.


Related -> Why You Should Take a Gap Year


After a long period of waiting, praying, and working, I finally found out which schools I had gotten into and WOW I can’t even explain the relief and gratitude I feel to have been accepted into a place at which everything I was looking for resides.



I now am going to be attending a dream school in the fall! I am incredibly grateful that God led me down the path He did- which in hindsight was painstakingly difficult, but landed me in a place where I am destined to be.



If you have any questions about my transfer journey, feel free to email me at Otherwise, I plan on writing a follow up post on how my transfer experience is!









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