volunteering during harvey

Giving Back for the Busy

(This is a collaborative post that includes affiliate links. If you make a purchase through an affiliate link, the author may receive commission from the purchase, at no additional cost to the customer. This helps keep my blog going! xx)



If you’re like most people, then you consider charitable giving to be a societal good, no matter the cause.



However, if you’re like most people, you don’t always remember to do it. Whether it’s coping with college, dealing with family, or making your way in the world of work, it’s easy to have your attention dragged in so many directions that some of us neglect to or forget to give as often as we should.



If you’re feeling like you could do more, here are some ways to help you give even if you’re a little scatterbrained.


Join a group

Volunteering is the most active way to help give back to the community. If you’re a poor college student, it is also often the only affordable option.



If you want to give more time to volunteer operations, then you should consider joining the organized group projects in your area.



When you are part of a group, you have a support structure that will not only remind and incentivize you to get involved more often, but you get the swell of community and comradery that can make it easier to see the impacts of your actions.



Volunteering projects are most commonly active in the summer, but if you dig a little deeper, it’s easy to find those that run all year round near you, too.



Plan it out

When it comes to making donations, the most common kind is to donate simply when you’re face-to-face with the opportunity.



Many of us will put our change in charity boxes, agree to make a donation at the checkout, or make a call when we see a charitable appeal on our TV. But if you feel like that’s not enough, then planned giving might be for you.



If you want to donate to local causes, planned giving allows you to make it a regular thing. You can set it to come out automatically from your bank or have the organization of your choice send out regular reminders.


Stay connected


Technology is transforming not just the way that we live, but also the way that we give. If you don’t mind automating your donations a little (and you should always be aware that you’re not giving so much away that you put yourself in danger of debt), then there are apps that can help with that.



For instance, Charity Miles is an app that automatically donates a certain amount of money based on how much you walk, jog, or run every day…. you literally don’t even have to spend a cent of money in order to donate!



Keep the app turned on during a walk or run and it will count your steps and donate accordingly.



That’s only one example of an app that can help you automate your giving a little.



Choosing one that best fits your habits will ensure that you’re always giving.



Whether you use apps or groups that can remind you to give back more often or you make planned donations directly from your account, there are lots of ways to ensure that you’re doing your part even when you’re less conscious about it.


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