self development reading and personal development books- mindful habits

Mindful Habits to Cultivate

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Mindfulness is a bit of a buzzword these days.


Every time you land on a Instagram page with a Buddha profile picture, or come across somebody who reads a lot of self development, you’ll be reminded of the importance of mindfulness.



But what is the actual benefit of mindfulness? The most successful people are often more mindful than others. Not only that, mindful people tend to be far happier and more self aware.



Do you want to be more mindful?  Mindful people tend to have a few things in common. Read on to discover the mindfulness habits to cultivate!


They Love Spending Time In Nature


Spending time in nature helps us to get away from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, including emails, social media, and the TV. Those things can give us a headache and force us to stop living in the moment without even realizing it.



Start spending more time in nature, and leave your phone at home or put it on airplane mode. Look around, take deep breaths, and enjoy the colors, scents, and other things that excite your senses. You could walk, or you could sit, as long as you’re making the effort to get outside.





They Don’t Compromise On Their Daily Meditation



Daily meditation is said to help with a variety of things, ranging from less stress/anxiety to more creativity.



However, getting into the habit can be a little tough. When you think about it, though, what’s 5-15 minutes out of your day to reap the rewards that this practice can offer?



Start by looking at the best books on meditation, and figure out which unique practice is best for you. It’s different for everybody, and you must enjoy it if you’re going to stick to it.



They Begin Paying More Attention To Daily Activities


You aren’t just mindful when you’re in meditation, or spending time in nature.



To be mindful, you must begin paying more attention to your daily activities. This could be the washing up or when you’re doing other chores.



There will be times your focus is lost, but all you have to do is gently bring it back to the moment. We are bombarded with distractions every minute of the day, but it’s up to you to focus on what’s important.

They Spend Less Time Using Technology And Social Media

Technology and social media can mess up our physical and mental health.



They can stop us from sleeping, make us feel like we’re not good enough, and more.



Gadgets have their place, but people are spending a scary amount of time using them these days. Spend less time using them if you’d like to be more mindful.


They Are Open To And Seek Out New Experiences


The most mindful people love experiencing moments of wonder and joy, and they come most naturally when we’re enjoying a new experience.



Be willing to get out of your comfort zone and seek out new experiences. Do exciting, positive things that scare you, and you’ll be forced to live in the moment!


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