Y’ALL. Today I am sharing a VERY important piece of advice/college hack with you. I’m going to show you how I get my textbooks for cheap!
I’ve talked about Better World Books in my “Resources for Girl Bosses” Article… and a lot of y’all checked it out and loved it from there!
The website’s basically a used bookstore (online, of course). They have TONS of books both new and old. I recently realized they sold TEXTBOOKS and basically freaked out.
HOLD UP. I could actually get textbooks for CHEAP?!

(Note- This post is NOT sponsored, all opinions are my own! It does include affiliate links, so if you make a purchase through one of the links I may get a commission, at no additional cost to you. This helps keep my blog running!)
Why I Get My Books from Here
You know I am all about supporting companies that GIVE BACK. Honestly, I have yet to find a company that does more than Better World Books.Book for Book Program
With every book you purchase, a book is donated to a literacy promoting non profit. Purchases from BWB have so far generated over $24 Million in donated books! Check out this page for more information about this amazing program!Carbon Offsets
At checkout, you have the option of contributing a few pennies to help BWB’s carbon offset efforts. With this money, the company donates to renewable energy/eco-friendly initiatives and projects.Dropbox Program
As part of their mission to not let ANY book go to waste, BWB runs local dropbox programs, enabling people from all over the U.S. to donate books with ease! Have extra books? Consider giving them over to BWB…..Prices
I just bought a novel I need for a class from BWB. The University showed me that the cheapest I could get the book was $10 through their price comparison widget… but then I looked on BWB. Y’ALL. I got it for $3.80. So dang cheap, and in great condition! If you’re on a budget/in college/want to save money, this site should be your go-to for books!