What to Do in Your Gap Year

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Have you ever thought about taking a gap year? A popular trend in European countries, gap years are now becoming more and more popular in the United States. Still, many worry over what to do in their gap year.




Whether your year off is after graduating high school, college, grad school, or anywhere in between, there are some really great things you can do during this year that will help you grow as a person, student, or professional.



A gap year is the perfect chance to break away, find out who you really are and be able to spread your wings before you go back to school/ work. 




I took a gap year after my freshman year of college, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made!! Read more about my year: what I did, how it impacted me, and what I’m doing now.


Considering taking some time off before work or school? Check out my gap year advice and what to do in your gap year. Taking this gap year was one of the best decisions of my life and I want to share it with you! #gapyear #collegeadvice #traveladvice

Travel and Immerse Yourself in A Culture


Expand your idea of the world! No amount of documentaries, photos, or media can transport you to a different country or corner of the world; you’ve got to travel to do that!



When you travel, you expand your conception of the world. The little bubble you live in expands and is able to interact with people who live in entirely different ways.



Travelling boosts your compassion and ability to relate to others.




Rather than going what everyone else does and staying in a hotel or a hostel during your travels, you can enjoy a much more enriching experience by staying in a home with a family who are native.



These home stays can be wonderful chance for you to fully integrate with a new culture because you will be able to see first hand how the average family spends their days. You will be able to assimilate the language, see their lifestyle and likely be treated to some of their traditional food. You can have a much more authentic foreign experience this way and it can be great for you.


Delve Into Your Career Path


Maybe you’re planning on going to grad school but are considering a gap year prior to. DO IT!!! This is the perfect time to connect with people in your desired career field.



Find a mentor in your area of interest; you’ll learn more from them than you would ever imagine! You might even realize that the career path you once wanted is not for you…. better to figure that out now rather than later!

Give Back


You could work in the local area to earn your keep, you can join new hobbies and try out fun things, and you can volunteer with a charity who needs you.



There are countless worthy charities located everywhere from your backyard to across the globe and in between. 



Find an organization that speaks to your heart, and contact them for volunteer/internship opportunities!



Start Something New


Cultivate your budding idea. Chase your long held business goal. Connect with industry professionals. A gap year is all about taking initiative.



I started my blog and business in my gap year, and I am entirely positive that I would not have started it if I hadn’t taken time off.



Now, it’s my biggest project and something that I want to cultivate and grow for a long, long time!



This is your time to take action on whatever you’ve been wanting to do.


Grow Your Community


Making friends on your gap year can be the best way to make friends who will stick with you for life.



While in school, we are surrounded by same -aged people, and it’s actually difficult to make friends of different age groups.



When you take a gap year, you get to engage with people of all different ages and backgrounds- not just those in your workplace or college.



I made friends with some older ladies at my workplace, and they were some of the most fun people I’ve met!



If you decide to travel on your year off, you can even travel with friends for a while and truly have a wonderful experience with the best people.




I hope this article and advice was useful! Have you taken a gap year? If not, would you consider doing so? Let me know in the comments!



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