19 Things I’ve Learned in 19 Years….

Eep! I’m official a “twenty- something blogger”… so crazy! To start my 20th year off, I wanted to write about 19 things that I’ve learned in 19 years…

twenty something advice, twenty year old, twenties advice, advice for twenties, birthday lessons

[bctt tweet=”I’m in my twenties… WHAT?! Check out 19 things I’ve learned in 19 years… and let me know if you can relate to any of them! ” username=”soulfulseedblog”]

  1. Balance is the hardest thing in the world to achieve. Our lives will always be in constant pursuit of this elusive goal.
  2. Shaving is overrated lol. No girl actually enjoys it and no person that actually matters cares if your legs are slightly hairy.
  3. Reading “Self Help” or “Personal Development” books does not mean that there is something wrong with you.
  4. Everyone moves through life at their own pace and experiences their own challenges. There is no ‘right’ timeline or schedule that you should adhere to.
  5. Ask for help. There are people who care, I promise you.
    • Call 1-800-273-8255 if you are ever feeling suicidal.
    • Call 1-888-771-5166 / 425-771-5166 if you are struggling with an eating disorder.
    • If you ever need to just talk to someone, I am here for you. Please email me at- soulfulseedsblog@gmail.com
  6. There are incredibly effective and cathartic non conventional ways to pray: meditation, yoga, dancing, singing…
  7. “A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle” – James Keller
  8. We as humans are always going to be chasing whatever “health” is… there’s truly no perfect definition of health and no perfect way to attain it.
  9. Take time off. Whatever that may look like for you:  a week off of work, and afternoon of relaxing, a year off of school…. when your body and soul are telling you you need rest, honor it.
  10. Never be ashamed to talk about your what you’re passionate about!
  11. You don’t need to ever look for the right guy or girl to come to you. When it’s the right time, the stars will align and you will find love.
  12. It’s good to say no. Do it more often.
  13. It’s good to say yes. Say yes to new opportunities (if you have time), yes to new friendships (if they’re not toxic), yes to trying new things (as long as it doesn’t cause you to do anything you don’t believe in).
  14. Your relationship with yourself is entirely dependent on your relationship with God.
  15. One’s religion and faith practices are a deeply personal matter.
  16. Don’t expect anything from anyone… it will only lead to disappointment.
  17. Making new friends is intimidating for almost everyone. Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
  18. It’s so important to learn what lies in an identity and how to redefine your identity.
  19. Others’ shortcomings are not a reflection of your personal faults. Don’t base your self worth on how others treat you.


I hope you guys enjoyed this!  Did any of these lessons resonate with you? Let me know!  

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