College Health Tips

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Going off to university is such an exciting time. Chances are it’s your first time living  independently, and this marks an opportunity to really experience adulthood- the good and the bad.


One thing you need to do as a university student is take responsibility for your health.


You no longer have your parents to take care of you, make appointments for you, and keep track of you. It is now your own responsibility to ensure that you’re taking care of your body and mind in the best way. Here are a few things College Health Tips to be aware of. 

Check out these college health tips to help you stay healthy in college and university! #collegehealth #freshman15 #healthandwellness #healthtips

Check out my other post on 6 Healthy Habits for College Students and let me know which tips you most resonate with!


Be drink aware

Drinking culture is pervasive with students and is actually encouraged.


It’s very important to know your limits and be careful when it comes to alcohol. Always have a game plan for a night out and make sure that your friends are aware of such. 


Pace yourself with drinks and make yourself aware of what point you need to stop at before risking the chance of throwing up or getting sick.


Make sure you are well fed and nourished before drinking, and have a healthy amount of protein, fat, and carbs prior to your night.


If you’re going on a night out, stick with your friends and don’t go wandering off by yourself or with someone you just met.


Drink water throughout the evening, and don’t ever drink something someone else makes for you.


Wash your hands regularly

As a student, you’re regularly around large groups of people which means more chance of picking up germs. ‘Freshers Flu’ is probably a term you’re familiar with, but colds and flus are always being passed around.


You can avoid this as much as possible by regularly washing your hands. Be aware of putting your hands near your mouth or chewing on things like pens which have been on desks.


Be particularly vigilant during the colder months of the year where there’s naturally more bugs going around, and practice good hand washing routines before eating even if you’re only grabbing a quick snack.


Getting sick is especially awful when you’re away from home and don’t have anyone to look after you. Missing a few classes in university due to illness is also NOT fun! If you are sick and can’t attend class, make sure to alert your professor and go to Office Hours to catch up on the material you missed. 


If you regularly suffer with very bad infections and tonsillitis, it could be worth speaking to a specialist before going to university. You may need adenoid surgery or tonsil surgery for example. Better to have this sorted before moving away and having to take time to recover.

Nourish Your Body

We all know that the student life isn’t about fine dining and gourmet cuisine. However, it is still possible to eat well while on a limited budget.


If you have a meal plan at school, try to stick to whole food, plant based options . If you’re going to be cooking for yourself, make sure to meal prep and have some healthy recipes down your belt before the year starts! Check out my Pinterest board with healthy Vegan Meal Prep Recipes



The unlimited dessert options at the dining hall might be enticing, but indulging in cakes everyday might not be the best for your body (or mental health). Check out these tips to help you cultivate a healthy relationship with food and get over the buffet binges that are often brought on by school stress!



Prioritize mental health

Wellbeing isn’t just about physical health, but mental health too.


Living with some adult responsibilities for the first time can be stressful; you have to deal with budgeting, social relationships, health, you’re cooking and cleaning for yourself (maybe for the first time in your life!) and much more. On top of this you have schoolwork to complete, lectures to attend, and grades to make.


It is essential that you find healthy ways to de- stress, whether that be through exercise, art, writing, or any number of techniques. 


If you’re worried about your mental health, be sure to speak to your school’s counselor or your doctor.


I hope you received these college health tips well, and as usual, I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below! Lots of love <3


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