How to Make Time to Workout in College

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Stressed with school work and wanna know how on earth you’re supposed to make time to workout in college?

You’re not alone! Keep reading to find out some awesome tips and tricks that will help you stay healthy while juggling school, social life, and stress!

college health advice, college fitness

Despite the stereotypes, student life is not a lazy one.

We don’t always shirk classes to have longer mornings in bed. We don’t lounge around all day watching Friends reruns while eating cold pizza. We don’t party all night and sleep all day……Well, most of us don’t anyway.

The life of a student is a busy one. We might play hard on the weekend, but we work hard in the week. We spend long hours studying way after classes have ended for the day. We commit ourselves to a plethora of college activities. And you will know this if you are a student yourself. So the question is this…

When is there time to exercise?

It’s not easy finding the time in our busy schedules, which is crazy really, as not only is exercise great for our physical and mental health, but it also does wonders for our brain power.

And let’s face it; sometimes we need that mental boost to help us crack on with the work we have to do……So, how can we find time to exercise in our busy schedule? Here are some tips that you might find useful.

[bctt tweet=”Balancing school, stress, a social life, and health is HARD. Checkout these tips to help you stay on top of your fitness game while being in college!” username=”soulfulseedblog”]

Check Out my Other College Advice/Health Posts:

8 Tips to Stay Healthy in College

Tips to Stay Healthy in College Part II

Stop Emotional Eating in College

How to Make Time –  Working Out in College

Get up earlier in the morning.

While you might dread the morning alarm, it’s still worth setting it to go off earlier to give you a chance to do some kind of exercise.

Waking up just half an hour before breakfast can set you up for the day, whether you go for a run outside, or spend time doing these indoor exercises created especially for mornings in your dorm room.

Check out my morning routine (which includes working out) that really helps boost my productivity throughout the day!

Exercise between classes.

When you have time between classes, take the opportunity to keep fit in whatever way is possible.

Use the stairs rather than the lift. Get some fresh air and run around an area of your campus. If your college has a gym, get in there and do something aerobic (assuming you aren’t disrupting a class).

Your free time can be exercise time, as any kind of keep fit will help you lower your stress levels as you are getting through the day.

I compiled some of my favorite and most effective On the Go Workouts HERE. Give them a try wherever and whenever for a quick and effective workout!

on the go toning exercises for college fitness, on the go workout, toning workout

Make fitness an extra-curricular.

When you’re weighing up what extra-curricular activities to take, choose something that will aid your fitness levels. From club sports to group classes at your school’s gym, there are a wide range of options that will help you get fit while still being involved on campus. 

I’m part of a group on campus called CHAARG (Changing Health, Attitudes, and Actions to Recreate Girls) that organizes groups to attend weekly workout classes at different studios around town.

This org is a GREAT way to get fit and get involved on campus. I love meeting similarly motivated girls who enjoy breaking a sweat!

See if your school has a chapter here. 

Workout in college, college tips, college health, college advice, college fitness, fitness tips

Go Adventuring on the Weekends.

Don’t let your weekend go to waste. Rather than using the time to stay in bed longer, and yes, watch those Friends reruns we mentioned, you could do something more active with your time. Ditch Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe and get together with your actual friends in an activity you can do regularly.

You might want to spend the day somewhere scenic and away from campus, perhaps by walking and climbing – head over to for your gear – or if there’s something closer to home that can aid your fitness, such as a leisure centre, grab a membership and do something that suits you and your mates.

Exercise from Your Dorm.

At the end of a long day of classes and studying, you finally have the opportunity to relax and chill in front of the tv.

While watching those Friends reruns (other tv shows are available), you can exercise in front of the box.

Here are some calorie-burning examples. We then recommend you ditch that cold pizza (sorry to reinforce that stereotype), and choose something healthy to eat to complement your workout routine in front of the tv.

It is possible to exercise in the day despite your busy schedule, and by doing so, you may well feel more energised and engaged with your studies.

Let me know what you think, and if you have ideas of your own, please share your wisdom in the comments below!

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