exam stress, college advice, college exams

How to Deal with Exam Stress

(This is a collaborative post that contains affiliate links, meaning that a purchase through a link might give the author a commission, at no additional cost to you! This helps keep my blog running. xx)


College students understand the stress of exams. Often this stress can feel overwhelming and lead to reduced productivity and dejection. It’s so important that you don’t let these thoughts weigh you down, as they will only make you perform worse on the exam!


Here are some ways to deal with test stress……

How to Deal with Exam Stress

Take a Break


The easiest way for you to stop stressing out about your exams is for you to take a break. This break doesn’t have to be for hours, even a few minutes will do. When you allow yourself to take a productive break, meaning a break that does something that will rejuvinate your mental clarity, you increase your long- term productivity.


A popular way to integrate breaks into a study or work schedule is using the Pomodoro method, which I wrote about in my article on How to Ace Your Finals.


I myself am quite guilty of taking **not so productive breaks**. This usually looks like me going on YouTube for 15 minutes in between assignments, but then finding myself watching meaningless content that takes me into a YouTube cyclone.


One way I’m trying to repurpose my study breaks is by avoiding YouTube and instead turning to a quick yoga flow, prayer, or meditation when I need a mental break. I know that engaging in these types of breaks will be significantly more fulfilling to me!






Try and go somewhere quiet, pull out a mat and then attempt doing some yoga. If you have never attempted yoga before then you may feel a little intimidated and this is completely normal.


The best thing about yoga is that anyone can try it and it is super cheap as well.


You can practice it by yourself or you can even do it with a friend. There is also a huge range of applications for you to download as well and these can give you some great ideas on how to get started.


Have a Nap

Power naps are my go to move when I’m feeling too tired to continue studying even though I have to.


Even a 15 minute nap before returning to your studies helps you recharge. COFFEE NAPS are a brilliant activity and you must try them if you haven’t before.


Basically, it’s as simple as it sounds. Have a coffee before taking a quick power nap and wake up doubly refreshed! If you don’t drink coffee, maybe try with tea!




Meditation is a fantastic way for you to let go of all those stressful thoughts. It doesn’t take long to meditate and sometimes 5 minutes is all you need to really reap the benefits.


If you have never looked into meditation before then you will be glad to know that japa mala beads are super affordable and they can help you to relax as well.


Sometimes it may help to change your location when you meditate, as this can help you to achieve the right frame of mind to really get the most out of your session.




I hope you find these tips useful in dealing with exam stress. Now go out and CONQUER those midterms and finals!


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