Runners Gift Guide

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I wanted to let y’all in on some must have tools for runners! Whether you’re a seasoned runner or new to the sport, these tools will help make your runs safer and more enjoyable! This also functions as a great Runners Gift Guide… with the holidays coming up, it’s a great time to get gifts for your loved ones!


runner tools, running tools, beginner runner, running advice, runners' world , #run #running #activelifestyle

Running Watch

I use a pretty old Garmin Watch (the Garmin 15 )… but it does the job! It’s important to get a watch that tracks your mileage and your time accurately.



You can also connect Garmin watches to your computer to see an analysis of your mileage and times.



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• running essentials! •⠀ -⠀ it’s always better to be prepared. carrying pepper spray/ a personal alarm is a necessity when you’re out running at all times. ⠀ -⠀ so excited to partner with @sabresafety on this one to tell y’all about some awesome safety products that are a must have for my fellow ladies out there! (esp. runners/ gals on the go!)⠀ -⠀ -⠀ -⠀ #ad #safeissmart #collegefashionweek #influencehercollective #runner #fitgirlsguide #safetyfirst #girlswhorun #flatlays #collegeblogger #fitnessblogger #discoverunder10k #fitnessgirl #feminista #fitfemale #fitfam

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Great Shoes

Running shoes are something super personal to the athlete and therefore aren’t something that should be gifted… but a gift card to a store like Feet Fleet, Dick’s Sporting Goods, or even Amazon is a great idea!


Having the right shoes is so important for runners, but the cost of a pair of shoes is definitely steep!


Runner’s Pepper Spray

Going on runs at 4 A.M. to avoid the strength of the sun is not all that uncommon among runners. That being said, going out on these super early morning runs is a bit scary, at least for me. As women, we unfortunately have to always be on the lookout for terrible men who typically approach women who are alone at times when there aren’t many people around.


This pepper spray is actually designed for runners and has an adjustable hand strap for optimal comfort while on the move.


Runner’s Alarm

It is also useful to have a personal alarm on your body while you’re out late at night or early before sunrise. This alarm fits comfortably around the wrist and is also great for cyclists.


Runner’s Reflective Light

When you are going on runs at dark, it is important to have something reflective on your body. This keeps cars and other traffic aware of your presence!



Fanny Zip Pack


Wireless Headphones



These are the best! I love listening to podcasts and/or music while I run, and these headphones are cheap but still great quality. The only downside to wearing headphones while running is the possible safety risks that come out of not being able to hear what is going on around you.


That is why it is so important to carry around these personal safety items listed above.


I hope this guide was helpful and gave you some good ideas of helpful tools that will make your runs more safe, fun, and effective!








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