I’m a huge proponent for supporting ethical fashion brands. I believe that companies transparent about their manufacturing process, workers’ wages, and sustainability practices are worth putting my dollar behind.
The ethical fashion or slow fashion movement directly challenges the phenomenon known as the fast fashion movement. In a nutshell, the fast fashion movement is marked by excessive waste, environmental degradation, and labor trafficking, to name a few of the worst consequences.
Related -> Learn more about why fast fashion is bad here.
The higher prices of ethical fashion companies is a barrier to many people who want to support and join the movement. Because of the nature of the cause, these brands have to charge more for their products in order to ensure workers are paid fair and living wages, and that the environmental impact of the clothing is minimized.
Afraid you don’t have the money to support the ethical fashion movement? Fear not! Today I’m going to share with you some brands and pieces that are super affordable yet still support the slow fashion movement.
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Affordable Ethical Fashion Brands
Some of my favorite reasonably priced eco-friendly and ethical fashion brands include:
Check out more of my specific ethical fashion faves by clicking the button below!
I genuinely love wearing all these pieces because they are SUPER great quality, are highly versatile, and support such a great effort to SLOW DOWN the fashion industry!
Other Ways to Promote Sustainable Style
There are of course, many other ways to promote sustainable style without buying new clothes. You can support brands who do good by donating to any ethical fashion brand and promoting them and their products to your friends/family.
Another way to support the ethical fashion movement without buying new clothes is to buy your clothes secondhand. Thrifting clothes is one of my favorite things! Not only does it prevent wasteful creation of clothing that takes up resources to make, but it also is super fun and sparks my creativity.
Some of my favorite online thrift stores include ThredUP and Poshmark!
I created a thrifted summer capsule wardrobe inspiration here, you should def check it out for all the summer trendy pieces that won’t break the bank!
Check out my top thrifting tricks and tips on my Instagram, where I often post about my thrifted outfits!
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Zahra B ~ Sustainable Living (@soulfulseedsig) on
I hope you enjoyed this article and that it was informative. If you have any other affordable ethical fashion brands you want to share, comment them down below!
I would love to learn more about new brands that are making a positive difference in the world.