Something that may surprise you is that my passion for eradicating human trafficking is actually what led me to reconfigure my blog and focus it on information and inspiration for an ethical and sustainable life and style.
I first learned about human trafficking and its pervasive nature from a former classmate of mine, who so bravely told me about her experiences being trafficked.
I was shocked to hear that this went on in our “free” country and even more so that it went on in my own neighborhood.
After hearing my classmate’s story, I began to obsessively research- learning all that I could about an issue I knew so little about.
While going down the research hole, I realized that this issue was something I was deeply passionate about. Since then, I have worked and volunteered at anti-Human Trafficking Non Profits and have become President of my University’s anti-Human Trafficking organization.

The other day, I shared a video on my Instagram Stories about Porn Hub and Trafficking. This compelling video shows some of the egregious crimes behind big pornography websites.
(P.S. if you want to learn more about Trafficking and Porn specifically, check out this campaign).
After reposting this video, I received a ton of DMs asking me about how to learn more about Human Trafficking. So, I decided to create a resource guide! I hope that this list is ever-evolving and growing. If you want to learn more about modern day slavery, check out this resource guide and SHARE it!
Definition of Human Trafficking
Before we jump into the resources, I wanted to go over some Human Trafficking basics, including what the term actually means.
According to the Trafficking in Persons Protocol, the international law on human trafficking, trafficking is the “recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.”

What's the Difference between Prostitution and Trafficking?
Great question! Prostitution in theory is something people engage in on their own volition. In America, someone under the minimum age of consent (16) cannot be charged with prostitution and is automatically assumed to be a trafficking victim. Many states have a higher age of consent at 18 years of age and advocate for any minor (under the age of 18) to be ineligible for prostitution charges.
You can see what human trafficking and prostitution laws your state has here.
The key differentiator in trafficking versus prostitution lies under the “means” column in the UN formula of trafficking. Even if someone is above the legal age of consent, if they are coerced, abducted, deceived, abused, or misled to participate in a sexual/labor exchange, IT IS TRAFFICKING.
Human Trafficking Facts
- More people are enslaved today (an estimated 40 million) than at any time in history (International Labor Organization, 2016).
- Only 1% of human trafficking victims are ever rescued (A21, 2020).
- Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world, generating over 150 billion dollars per year (A21, 2020).
- Women and girls make up 71% of the trafficked population (ILO, 2017).
- 1 in 4 victims of trafficking are children (ILO, 2020).
- Around 25 million people are enslaved in labor trafficking/ forced labour (ILO, 2017).
*Trigger Warning* – Many of these resources talk about sexual assault, rape, and abuse. Please read/view at your own discretion.
I talk about the YouTube channel Soft White Underbelly like, ALL the time. Seriously, I will sit my friends and family down and make them watch these videos with me because I truly think that they are SO powerful. The videos capture the personal narratives of people on Skid Row (one of the poorest areas in America) and highlight how they got to where they are now. What is most powerful about all these stories is that almost all of them have a base in trauma or childhood neglect. The videos show the intersectionality of trauma, abuse, and neglect with substance abuse, prostitution, crime, etc.
Soft White Underbelly
In this video, you can see that Kelly talks about “prostituting” at a young age. The language she uses is important, because she doesn’t know that she was trafficked. Survivors of trafficking are often persuaded into believing that this is something that THEY chose, even if that was clearly not the case. Even still, remember that if you are under 16 in America (and under 18 in many states), there is no way in which you can legally choose to prostitute.
Ted Talks
Nonprofits / Organizations
There are so many incredible organizations and nonprofits that operate on national and/or global levels. I’m going to list some of my favorites here! Please recommend more in the comment section so we can continue to add to this list.
So... What Can I Do to Help Stop Human Trafficking?
Now that you have some background on the massive problem that is human trafficking, you might be called to act. You might also be feeling overwhelmed with information and despondent with the realities of this world.
Both these feelings are valid! It is important to understand that even though the scope of modern day slavery and trafficking is massive, we do have the power to make a difference through what we support and what we contribute to.
3 Ways You Can Help in the Fight Against Human Trafficking Today
- Learn why fast fashion is bad and take the pledge to stop buying into fast fashion (and consider fair trade fashion!).
- Donate to one of the nonprofits listed above.
- Learn about volunteering with anti-trafficking nonprofits in your area.
I hope you found this resource guide to be helpful! Like I said, I want to keep adding to this guide so leave your recommendations in the comment section. I plan to be writing more about topics relating to human trafficking so if you have any content suggestions, send them over as well!