how to strengthen your back, strong back, toned back, back workout

Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Back

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A strong back is essential to good posture, flexibility, a stable core, pain-free movements and healthy ageing. A strong back means a toned waist and a tall frame. It makes you look longer, leaner and thinner. It also improves your core strength, makes you less likely to suffer from back problems or osteoporosis and can improve you all over strength and fitness.

But, how to do exercise your back safely without injury? We tend to focus on our abs, legs and arms without giving much thought to our backs. This means that it’s crucial that we start slowly and build up our back-strength overtime, instead of rushing in. It also means that you need to take the time to deal with any back pain that you may have first. This can involve looking at supportive and firm mattresses, replacing your sofa with a more structured option, sitting straighter at your desk and raising your monitor so that you’re not craning your neck or hunching over when you work.


Walking is perhaps one of the best exercises there is. If you walk quickly, holding your posture straight and your head up, you are training your back and giving it a workout while also working your legs, ankles, core and glutes. Try to walk at least 10000 steps every day for a strong and straight back. Just make sure you don’t spend your whole walk bent down looking at your phone. Link your hands behind your back to help you maintain good posture.

If you want a more intense workout, try running, while maintaining excellent posture and form.


Swimming is an excellent, low impact, full body workout. Your core and lower to middle back work to hold your body straight in the water, supporting it as your limbs propel you forwards. Your upper back and shoulders push through the water, working against resistance to move your body. If you are looking for a full back cardio workout, swimming could be perfect.


Swimming is an excellent, low impact, full body workout. Your core and lower to middle back work to hold your body straight in the water, supporting it as your limbs propel you forwards. Your upper back and shoulders push through the water, working against resistance to move your body. If you are looking for a full back cardio workout, swimming could be perfect.


Hip Bridges

If you are looking to add new exercises to a home or gym workout, there are some simple movements that you can do which will help to improve your back strength over time. Hip bridges are one of these. Lie on a yoga mat on the floor, with your legs bent and your feet hip-width apart, flat on the mat and your arms relaxed at your sides. Slowly lift your hips into a bridge in a controlled motion. Stop when your body is in a straight diagonal line from your shoulders on the mat to your knees. Hold for a few seconds before returning to the mat in another controlled movement.



Swimmers are a little more advanced and to begin with, you may only be able to do them for a few seconds at a time. Lie face down on your mat, with your arms stretched long in front of you and your toes pointed with your feet hip-width apart. Raise your head and chest off the mat. Raise your left arm and right leg as high as you can. Then, switch so that your right leg and left arm are lifted, in a swimming motion. Try to keep your arms as straight as you can. This exercise works your lower and upper back, as well as your glutes, your shoulders and your arms.


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