Style Services

So you wanna start your sustainable style journey….

I’m so glad you’re here! I hope my blog gives you easy to understand information on sustainable life and style. 

Walking into a thrift store or even logging onto Depop can be SUPER overwhelming; I get it! I don’t want this feeling to stop you from pursuing a more sustainable style… and that’s why I started this Sustainable Style Consulting Services!

sustainable style services


I want to make this process as easy as possible for you! Here’s how it works:

soulful styling packages

I decided to start my Style Consulting Services after years of accompanying my friends to thrift shops in order to help them find pieces that made them (and their wallets) feel good.

Now, I’m so grateful to have the opportunity to help so many people gain confidence with a wardrobe that doesn’t hurt the planet, its people, or their wallets. If you want a style that you feel good about, sign up for a FREE consultation call!


There are three different packages that I offer. During our call, we will talk about the distribution of clothing pieces in your package (for example, if you would prefer 4 tops in the New Fit package, 2 tops and 2 bottoms, or a complete outfit with shoes, a top, a bottom, and an accessory!)

sustainable style packages


” I have always wanted to make my wardrobe both sustainable and trendy, and never knew where to start! Signing up for this has given me my new fave articles of clothing with minimal effort on my end needed, and I now have a good starting point for sustainable shopping moving forward. Thanks Zahra!!!” 

– Alyssa, Sustainable Style Consulting Customer

Get in Touch

Have any questions? Email me at or set up a free call here! Can’t wait to help you revamp your style in a way that doesn’t hurt the planet, its people, or your wallet!