essential websites for every girl boss

20 Essential Websites for Every Girl Boss

Girl Bosses,

It can be quite difficult juggling the student/work/blogging/entrepreneurial life.


We spend hours at our laptops, (some more productive than others) and often have to do work from our phones. In today’s post, I wanted to direct you to what I think are essential websites that are great tools for all entreprising girl bosses.



These essential websites aid me in schoolwork, blog work, work work, personal development, and managing my time…. basically everything that I need. So take a 10 minute work break, give this list a scroll-through, and let me know what websites you’re going to check out!



(Disclaimer- This post may contain affiliate links ,meaning that if you purchase a product through my affiliate link, I can make a small commission of the purpose- at no additional cost to you! This helps me keep my blog up and running!)


20 essential websites

Check out my Resource page for more great websites and products that will help make your Girl Boss Life a bit easier!


 coursera, learning resource, girl boss websites, best websites, online learning

 I’m absolutely blown away the availability of educational material that occupies the internet. Websites/Apps like Coursera, EdX, and iTunes University are prime examples of the expansive learning resources available.


Say you have a class with a professor who you simply can’t learn from… just search for a similar class on one of these websites and access full resources from a similar class taught at a different university.


You can even take quizzes/tests and view homework assignments of the actual class you are taking for FREE!



If you want to get a certificate affirming that you took and passed the class, you can do so for a fee, but otherwise you can literally take a college level class for FREE! A concept? Uh, I think so!




 helpful websites, unidays, student discounts, student websites

This site is a goldmine for college students who are balling on a budget (pretty much all of us).



Using your student ID, you gain access to hundreds of great deals from big brands and retailers. I use Unidays all the time to get $5 off of Megabus trips.



There are plenty of great deals for clothing stores, makeup brands, and everything in between. With a student ID, you have open access to all these amazing deals!



Better World Books

 best websites, better world books, student discount, student websites
Y’all, this site is amazing on SO many different levels.


As a self-proclaimed bookworm, this site is definitely my favorite on this list and honestly one of my favorite online “stores”.


Better World Books is basically an online version of a used book store- same cheap prices, variety of books, and comfort of knowing you are buying recycled goods!

saturday morning vibes 🌞🍩☕ – – – y’all this book cost me only $3.88 from @betterworldbooks -> my favorite place to buy books! this amazing company sells good condition used books for very cheap prices AND free shipping around the U.S.!!! the best part is that they DONATE ONE BOOK TO A LITERACY NON-PROFIT for every book purchased!!! – – – click the link in my bio to check out this amazing online shop and buy some books to get reading!!! – – – what book are you reading right now?! – – #bibliophile #saturdaymorning #saturdaycoffee #thehappynow #bookstagram #bookworm #faithoverfear #faithblogger #houstonblogger #choosejoy #swirlsocial #morningreading #morningread #deeplyrooted #soulscripts #austinblogger #studentlife #collegeblogger #bloggersofig #communityovercompetition #coffeehouse #coffee☕ #morningcoffee #ad #betterworldbooks #goodreads #readingchallenge

A post shared by Zahra Biabani~ Soulful Seeds (@soulfulseedblog) on


The best part— for every book purchased through BWB, one book is donated to one of the many literacy-promoting nonprofits around the world!


On top of all that goodness, students can even buy textbooks from BWB… for insanely cheap prices! And they have movies too! Y’all. Get on this NOW!!


Save up to 90% on Textbooks with


Come on, y’all. You’ve got to check this site out.




online budgeting, college budget, college finance, save your money
Mint is a useful tool for budgeting and keeping track of your finances (aka how many times you can splurge on acai bowls before your card maxes out).


The app is free and definitely helps you keep track of your cash money!




 her campus, college websites, college resources, helpful student resources
HerCampus is kinda like a Teen Vogue for College Student… a Seventeen for 18-23 year olds…. and an advice column for students all rolled up into one! Students  (and fellow girl bosses) from college campuses all over the country contribute to this amazing website.


If you’re looking for inspo, advice, study tips, or ways to waste your time while still soaking up knowledge, check this site out!





overdrive, free resources, online learning, free books, free pdf downloads

Overdrive is kinda like a free version of Audible!

Overdrive is a platform that connects you to an online library of resources.


Simply login with your local library info (need to have a library card to do this!) and gain access to online downloads of a huge range of books and audiobooks!


This is a great free alternative to Audible, the most popular library for audiobooks.




 blysee, helpful websites, college resources, college advice
Blysee is a website that has tons of advice for twenty-somethings, Girl Bosses, and motivated women in general.
Posts are about finance, travel, lifestyle, health, fitness, relationships, career, and everything in between. It also has a super cute aesthetic, and who doesn’t like that?




free rice, helpful websites, student websites, productive websites, online learning


Probably the most productive way to waste time….

I’ve been playing on freerice since I was a wee bitty. It’s a website with quizzes in various subjects… and with each question you get right, ten grains of rice are donated to people in need. So BASICALLY you’re boosting your knowledge while donating food (through the generosity of the World Food Programme)!


Now this isn’t really gonna increase your productivity, but it certainly is the best way to waste your time on the internet (which we’re all gonna do lol).



Good Reads


Good Reads is like a Spotify for books. It can connect to your FB account, and similarly to Spotify, you can see what books your friends recommend and are currently reading.


One of my favorite aspects of the website is the To- Read bookshelf, where you can dump a bunch of books you’ve been eyeing onto one list. I used to keep a note on my phone of all the books I wanted to read but somehow it got deleted and it was not fun :(. Good Reads not only fixes this problem but also gives you recommendations and insights into what else you might be interested in reading.




trello, online resources, college

If you like to make lists…. this one’s for you!



For those of you who aren’t planner obsessed (y’all do exist… right?), Trello is a great online planner that doesn’t even cost a penny and hardly requires set up time!


You can make an infinite amount of boards (which essentially function as to-do lists for any variety of subject) and easily chart the progress of your to-do list goals!



Website Blocker

This is one of those necessary evils that you hate to love and love to hate. Website blockers come in handy when  you’re trying to finish a paper but seem to be pulled away every other minute by Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and twitter… did I miss anything?


Basically you can set  a timer for how long you want to block access to distracting sites, and your computer obeys these instructions. You can even choose how strict you want the blocks to be enforced…. you can choose to uplift the blocks at anytime, or make it impossible for you to access a website prior to a certain time.




Khan Academy

 khan academy, online resources, online learning, college resources
Loyal Sal Khan from Khan Academy is everyone’s favorite personal tutor.
Honestly this man is so smart in like EVERY subject and such a great tutor. I’m sure you’ve heard of Khan Academy, so I won’t really go in depth with this one… but just a reminder that you don’t have to be in middle or high school to use it!
There are plenty of really useful tutorials helping with advanced college curriculum on the site; take advantage of the free resource!

The Confused Millenial

 the confused millenial screenshot, helpful websites, helpful resources, college resources
This is a great blog for content that 20-something year old girl bosses will soak up. Not really much to say other then this blog should definitely be on your reading list!


Glass door is a really great site to research job and internships.


It gives you insights on how certain companies conduct interviews and shows reviews from former employees on what the job is actually like. Whether you’re looking for a retail store job or a high level internship, you’ll find valuable information on this site!



Youth Op

college opportunities, college blog

Youth Op is one of those hidden resource libraries that can provide immense value to students of a whole range of disciplines.


The international resource library lists internships, conferences, scholarships, and programs that are accepting applications and seeking young college students.




For those of us who can’t seem to put the phone down….



Flora is a great app for when you want to be able to study without your phone but you don’t want to leave your phone in your dorm room…. who can relate? The app acts as a personal challenge to stay off your phone for as long as possible!



University of Reddit 

University of Reddit?! Yeah I’m sure you all want to transfer after hearing this. This is basically like a very very informal Coursera or EdX, where the teachers don’t have to be accredited professors and the class doesn’t have to have any structure. You can learn anything on this site just for fun, and even teach a class yourself!



Women Ministries Online!

 soulful seeds, women ministries online, female faith group
Shameless plug for my newly launched online platform that is designed to reach out to women of faith who are seeking fellowship and inspiration! Subscribe to get complete access of the resource library!!



Pinterest (duh)

Pinterest is another one of those fantastic ways to waste time while giving yourself the illusion that you’re actually being productive. Who doesn’t love that?! LOL. Follow me on Pinterest!



I hope you girl bosses got some guidance from this post! Let me know in the comments YOUR favorite websites to boost productivity and help ya in pursuit of your girl boss goals 🙂


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