Top 10 Benefits of Running

(Note- this is a collaborative  post containing affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of the links featured in the post, I might receive a commission from the purchase, at no additional cost to you. This helps keep my blog running! Thanks xx)



Run- The word stirs up excitement in some, and horror in others. The sport is more difficult to start than it is to fall in love with, and this barrier to entry is impenetrable for some.



Trust me- I’m a testament to this! After pursuing professional dance for years and then suddenly quitting, I turned to distance running to fill the void.

When I began running, it was brutal. I would do .19 miles and expect the treadmill to read 2.0 miles. Yeah, not good.


But then, somewhere in the journey of training for a half marathon, I fell in love with it! There is nothing better than the liberating feeling of pushing the pavement away and moving forward with each stride.


Since then, I have completed three half marathons! After my last one this spring, I grew tired of racing and ventured into weight training…. and found that I loved that too!


I began to integrate both into my fitness routine, that is, until summer started and to my heart’s chagrin, I stopped running.



Now, I pledge to get back into running and plan to do another half marathon in the fall!


Whenever I feel unmotivated to run, I am surely going to look back at this post to see the benefits of running; I hope you do to!

benefits of running and how to start running for beginners! #runningtips


10 Benefits of Running


Heart Healthy


Running is great for the circulatory system, helping to strengthen the heart and circulate oxygen around the body. 


Runners, on average, have a slower heart rate than average people due to their increased cardiovascular efficiency.



This could help to lower the risk of heart disease and strokes later on in life. It’s also a great way of getting the blood flowing around the body and supplying a fresh source of oxygen to every organ in the body.


Mind Fueling

When taking part in any form of exercise, endorphins are released which help to make us happier. Running can be a great stress-buster as these endorphins help to reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone) within our body.


Immune Boosting

Short-distance running can also give the immune system a boost, helping to fight off diseases more effectively.



If you’ve got a cold coming on, going for a short run could help to ward it off. Long-distance running can be more tiring and less effective at this.


Money Saving

You can run anywhere and everywhere – for free! Unlike going to a gym, you don’t have to pay a membership. 



If you’re strapped for cash you can always simply take a jog around the block and it will cost you nothing.



When you’re travelling, you don’t have to worry about getting a temporary gym membership; you can explore the city you are in while getting in some exercise by running!


Giving Back

Running is a great way to raise money for charitable causes.



You can either participate in an organized run for charity or enter into a race as a participant fundraising for a charity.



Many organisations such as this local Charlotte trash collection company put on sponsored runs that can help raise funds and make a difference to people’s lives.



There are runs out there for all manner of causes and runs where you can choose your own cause.


Movies + Running?


When I was training for my half marathons and the weather was poor, I would put a movie on for my long runs to occupy my mind while I ran.



I’ve got to admit; it was pretty fun! If you want to catch up on your favorite show or watch a Netflix movie, why not do it while exercising?



If you don’t have a treadmill at home, you can buy a used one online for relatively cheap!



Check out this treadmill review site to help find the best one for your budget and physical needs.




You don’t have to run alone!


Having a running buddy could help to provide motivation through companionship (or indeed competition). There are tons of websites and platforms people join to meet running buddies and groups.


In every city, there is at least a few different running groups and societies you can get involved with!

running community is one of the many benefits of running!

It can help you lose weight

Running can boost your metabolism, helping you to burn fat more quickly.


When accompanied by dieting, running can be an effective way to shed the pounds.


It doesn’t have to be time-consuming


A lot of people feel that they don’t have the time to run, but you don’t have to spend hours a week jogging to get your fitness fix. A five minute sprint in your backyard or in the treadmill could be just as impactful if you’re trying to get fit.


Cool Gear


Serious runners have no shortage of gear! There’s compression materials, clothes, SHOES, fanny packs, cool headbands, and so much more.


This online running shoes store has ALL of the options you could choose between when it comes to running shoes and is proof of the abundance of gear available for runners!


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